I can count on one hand how many people I truly trust and still have fingers left over. Pretty much everyone I've ever trusted, both family and people I considered life-long friends, has done something at some point to totally screw me over. As a result, I tend to be very superficial and quiet around people. Most people that meet me tend to think that I've very shy. The truth is, I'm really not, I just have trouble allowing myself to open up around people I don't have absolute trust in. That's not to say I sit completely quiet, but everything I do talk about tends to really be superficial things about me that aren't very important. There are people who have known me for a few years, and still really don't know a damned thing about me.
If you really know anything about me that's more than the superficial, it was probably a big deal for me to be able to tell you.
"Fuck these chains
No goddamn slave
I will be different" ~ Machine Head