Originally Posted by World's King
It's not right to treat one section of society as animals and force them to stay outdoors. It's discrimination. Even if it has to do with smoking.
I'm sorry, but that's total BS. It is not discrimination to ban smoking from indoors any more than it being illegal to drink alcohol in schools. There are places where slow suicide is acceptable, and places where it is not. If I decide to take my wife and 2 year old daughter - a 2 year old girl who has asthma just as badly as her father - to a nice dinner and a show, I would consider it extremly rude if someone were to light up. If you want to smoke while eating, you have a home where you can't bother anyone. If I am going to bring my family to a resturant and you endanger our health by smoking, it is you who are treating us like crap. You are polluting an environment that you have to share with other people.
Do you know why aminals are made to be left outdoors? It's simple. The animals are unable to behave in a mannor that follows social norms. I'd say the same is true of people who smoke in places like resturants and movie theaters. Am I calling you animals? No. Am I equating the social behavior of indoor smokers to animals? Yeah, but you brought it up.
Originally Posted by World's King
It's like telling all blondes with big tits that they have to stay outside 'cause one day I might get a blow job from one in the bathroom of a bus station which means I would be cheating on my girlfriend and she might kill me.
BJs don't kill people. I hope. Cause if they do...
Originally Posted by World's King
Does that make sense? Go outside and smoke cause a small amount of people that inhale second hand smoke might get cancer which might end up killing them.
All it takes for me is about 30 seconds and my asthma kicks in. Do you know how many Americans have asthma? About 1 in 15. These people have a condition completly seperate from cancer, and you haven't even thought of it. That's why smokers have the reputation they do. Smoking in the presence of others is selfish, rude, and dangerous.