Christian Science Monitor.. Any readers?
I received an offer in the mail today for the Christian Science Monitor. I knew nothing about it, and almost threw out the subscription card, assuming it was a religious periodical that I ultimately had no interest in.
After doing some research, I gather it isn't necessarily a religious newspaper at all, but instead a paper that covers the news, both nationally and internationally, while claiming to be objective and secular.
Does anyone read or subscribe to this newspaper?
I already subscribe to the Wall Street Journal, but the Monitor is just 20 pages, and the rate offered is just $13 for 60 issues, which is negligible.
The paper's length is desirable, because to read the WSJ in its entirety can take over an hour if I actually read/comprehend all the articles.
I likely will take advantage of the offer, if only to check the paper out, but I'd like to get feedback from those that have read the paper in the past.
Furthermore, to those that have subscribed in the past: Were arrival times reasonable? The website says the paper is delivered via US Postal Service, and that makes me wonder if there is a delay (IE, getting Monday's paper on Wednesday, etc.)?
Desperation is no excuse for lowering one's standards.