thank you hal! you da man, man!
i really do want to know what, if anything, crosses someone's mind when they are lighting up. are they guilty? do they feel like they're getting away with something? are they conscious of their effect on the people around them or is all that swept under the rug? is the only thing on their mind at that point the satisfaction they are getting from their cigarette?
thats the dialogue im hoping for.... with a nice fork in the road that has come up about it being difficult to object to people's smoking if you have any kind of relationship w/ them and smokers feelings on THAT.
has a friend or coworker objected to you smoking round them? have you ever been upset about it or let it affect your relationship with them? are you less inclined to spend time or energy on or with them because you know their might be a roadblock to your smoking habits?
-my phobia drowned while i was gettin down.