Originally Posted by ngdawg
Did you know it's twice as hard for a woman to quit than a man?
I had no idea! And, you are twice the woman of any other woman, so it's 4 times as hard for you!
I have heard, however, that wild sex with an ex-green beret completely dissipates all withdrawl symptoms!
I quit because I got incredibly ill. And while smoking, I could actually FEEL myself get sicker with each drag. I had been a smoker for about 15 years, two packs a day.
The funny thing is, everyone told me the first week would be hardest. For me, it was a breeze. But when I got out to 30 days, I got basically homicidal for about a week. Then it was over, and I've never looked back. My experience was completely at odds with everything I'd ever heard or read about quitting smoking.
I haven't had a cigarette in 7 years, nor the desire for one. But I'll tell you, it was damn hard to quit, even though I could feel it making me sick!