Originally Posted by Medusa
Gee, it's a good thing you read my entire post and responded appropriately to the fact that I've NEVER done this to my son, nor has it crossed my mind until reading this thread. I guess time outs and pouring hot sauce in my kids mouth are exactly the same thing
I still stand by my opinion that daycares should consult with parents as to what are appropriate punishments BEFORE any incidents occur.
My mistake entirely. I apologize - I meant to quote absorbentishe, who said that he and his wife do hotsauce the kid, yet would be upset if a daycare did it.
for the record I agree with you - daycares should consult with parents. My point is that a parent who uses a certain punishment on his child has no call to be upset when the school/daycare uses the exact same punishment. If it's bad for the teacher to do it, then it's just as bad (if not worse) for the parent to do it.