This is the 3rd game I've ever played that has made me lose a job. The first game was a DikuMUD..... The second, Half-life's TFC mod. Being on 56k, these are basically my only options for playing online. I don't bother much with TFC anymore, as that community is dying, or converting to counter-strike, awaiting HL2... The MUD is fun to login to occasionally, but for now, Diablo II EXP is running my life.... I've got a 99 bowzon on USEast I use as my main character. She's a magic finder and rusher. [ 488% mf with 3201 in poison damage ]. Happy to say she's 100% legitimate also. [ well, theres' that viper torc amulet, but what the hell. . . it dropped once... ]
I generally spend 8-10 hours a day playing... account is *RealKrylles. whisper for a rush sometime if ya want.