Originally Posted by shakran
Pouring burning liquids in a kid's mouth is piss poor parenting. If you think it's too hard to discipline your kids without resorting to tabasco torture then kids are not for you.
Yes. Putting a drop or two of hot sauce is "pouring burning liquids". *rolls eyes*
Also, given the severity and duration of the effect it has, I would hardly call it torture.
That being said, I find it kind of stupid. A quick swat on the ass is better for the following reasons:
1. It's immediate. There's no time wasted trying to get the sauce out and placing it in their mouth.
2. What are you going to do? Carry a bottle of sauce around in your purse or pocket all the time? So then you only break out the sauce when you're home?
*shrug* I just take issue with how impractical it is, more than anything. I don't care to think about it any further than that.