Ahhhh! It burns! IT BURNS!
So I've transferred out of the department I was in, into the rotisserie room.
I like my boss and my coworkers, but the job is nasty. You get about 4 hours of general chicken prep work, and the like. Then comes the oven cleaning.
We use this really effective stuff, called "Greasestrip Plus" or something like that. This stuff gives you chemical burns like you wouldn't believe! It hurts to inhale the fumes, and it immediately sends mucus to your nose.
I accidentally splashed some in my eye (it was diluted with water) and it burned but didn't cause any blindness like the bottle said it might.
So anyway, I'm wondering what short of preventative measures I might take to prevent future burns. I've got them all over my arms and my face. Goggles will be coming with me my next day into work. Long sleeves aren't permitted in food service, so I can't go that route. I thought about wearing a ski mask, but that would just look ridiculous AND be hot as hell (got 4 ovens that have been running at about 500 degrees).
Any ideas?