N64 - Goldeneye. Everybody raved about the "revolutionary multiplayer" in this game, but I was playing Quake1 deathmatch/teamfortress at the time, and it completely blew away the clunky, slow split-screen multiplayer that Goldeneye posessed. The only real fun I had playing that game was sniping people from really far away in the snow level.
PC - Diablo 2. Click click click click click click click click click click click click click click. Click click click click. Click click click click. In conclusion, click.
PC - Everquest. So incredibly slow paced and boring. I haven't played in years, but what made me quit the game was losing all of your stuff on your corpse when you die. And if you can't get to your corpse (I mean, it's in the place you DIED, after all), you have to get a friendly high level to help you get it. And it seemed like 99% of the time, friendly high levels did not exist. So tough titties, all of your equipment is stuck on the other side of the world in a dark forest, where you can't see anything, and every monster around pretty much one-shots you. /unsubscribe
The Nintendo 64 console in general. Man, what a lame piece of crap. There were like, four good games on it. On the bright side, if I ever need an extra blanket, I can just pull the layer of dust off of my N64 and wrap myself up in it. Who said N64 was completely useless?