Some people will never want to make their own decisions; anarchy means freedom. Freedom to chose the way you want to live. Freedom of expression. Freedom to murder your friend and take his property. Complete freedom. Any type of government creates limitation, some of which are absolutely necissary.
The humanistic approach would defend that people are inherently good, and that it is the environment, and decision making that will change that person. I've seen violence out of spite, and jelousy; people who will not act to change from their ways of immorality. Not because it is truly impossible, but because these people are either oblivious, or too centered on themselves to observe their actions against those around them. People are born inherently good, yes; people are also invariably cruel and incapable of empathy. There are people in this world who strive out of greed, and will always take advantage in order to gain power. In this world anarchy would be chaos, and atrocity.
Last edited by Ch'i; 09-17-2006 at 09:28 PM..