doom3 quake4 world of warcraft.
Doom3 its just dark and annoying 99% of the time. nothing special about it at all.
Quake4 just didnt do anything great or impressive.
WoW.... its just another everquest dark age of camelot copy nothing new or orginal nothing ground breaking no extra fluff or depth to it.
Personaly im really sick of the standards of quality game companys are sticking to. Like trying something new and orginal would be a bad thing. While fps games dont have much they can do to improve other then graphics and AI, the rpg and mmorpg can do a ton to improve and they just dont. MMORPGs are the most basic dull boring rpgs possable. they take a decent rpg and strip it down to almost nothing to make it work as a multiplayer game. Quests go from the most enjoyable parts of the game to more of a chore then anything. Yet they have all these players and dont give them any role playing tools to take advantage of it. you dont see mmorpgs with a pub where you can gather with other players to play a minigame or something else. They all revolve around going out killing a bunch of random monsters leveling up then mindlessly killing other players. They are just really lacking any real depth that i really think players should be expecting by now. but... game companys are in it for the money after all and people still buy and pay to play pure crap games so they have no reason to take the next step and produce the better games. ok just my little rant.