From ’67 until ’97 I had some problems. 40+ jobs, 2 kids, night sweats,
night mares, I suffered no pain, I was always happy……nothing really wrong.
I went to the Veterans Admin for a visit to a psychologist, turned over to a Psychiatrist…I was confined for 6 weeks, during which time I was confronted by family, friends and a hell of a lot of things that I did not want to remember. I spent another 14 months getting ‘adjusted’ five days a week as an outpatient and now see a Psychiatrist
For 30 years I had been diagnosed by MDs and Psychologists as ‘temporarily depressed’, ‘just a little irritable’ here have a few of these, just call in I will refill.
The Psychiatrists diagnosis? Bipolar II and PTSD. I lost 30 years to numb because …………o hell, a lot of reasons that were no longer consequential, until I read your post.
Get off your ass and call your local mental health assoc. Do Not Stop there. Look for any other Mental Support Groups that you may find. Do Not Go To Reverend Billy Bob, you need real help! Does self diagnosis work? For pimples or bloody nose yes, NOT that gray pulp in your dura mater.
Good luck