"There are some things in life. . . aman jest has t keept himself" John Wayne
One thing I will share is a Christmas Holiday I was spending with my mother while I was on leave from the military. At the time I was stationed at a Naval Hospital Emergency Room as a paramedic. Prior to going home something bad happened which days later I used to drive her brand new car out on a Friday night. I went to a bar with a friend and proceeded to get completely intoxicated. I had no business driving after the first hour there. 4 hours later as I was stumbling to the car I noticed an Ambulance parked behind the bar. For reasons I will never understand I walked over to check the door and it was unlocked in the back.
I proceeded to started grabbing medical equipment as my friend watched in horror. I slurred out "I’m grabbing stuff for the morning hangover, give me a hand" he just barked something to the effect of getting out of there. After 3 or 4 trips I finally started the car and was going to pull away, when one of the EMTs started knocking on my window telling me to shut off my engine. I flipped him the bird and took off.
My friend shouted go left, and I went right. . .right over a hill. . . caught air. . . and right in to a canal of dark cold water. The car filled instantly and we were sitting in water that was almost completely over us. We had to hold our faces up to breath. The headlights were still on and the radio was still playing underwater.
I had a combination of irrational thoughts. I was thinking about that scene in Risky Business combined with Jeff Specoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High saying "My dad has this awesome set of tools, I can fix it". I had it in my mind I could get it to a tow yard, and have it fixed before having to tell my mother I just killed her car, Merry Christmas.
Well the outcome was as expected I was charged with criminal trespassing, grand theft, DUI, assault (I don’t remember hitting an EMT) I think that charge was bullshit, and criminal damage. For reasons I won’t go into, all charges were dropped. The lucky thing is that I didn’t kill anyone. The hardest part of the whole incident was sitting in the back of the police car watching my mom look at her car in the canal, and have her come up to me and say "don’t worry honey we will take care of this".
Suffice to say that was the last time I drank alcohol.
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.- Stephen Hawking
Last edited by Sun Tzu; 09-15-2006 at 06:33 PM..