Originally Posted by JustJess
Currently, I'm reading the latest from Diana Gabaldon.
I am a HUGE fan of Diana Gabaldon!! I have all of her books 1-5 and will be going out to buy book #6 this weekend - 'Breath of Snow and Ashes' I'm so excited that this one was just released (in paperback) because it shows that she might not be finished telling us the story of Jamie and Clare! I don't think I can let these guys go!
One of my favorite topics of conversation with a girlfriend of mine is discussing who would play Jamie in a movie version of the book. I think our general agreement is that they would have to find an unknown Scottish actor to fill the spot because there's so much about Jamie that he would have to live up to. And if you have any preconceived notions of an known actor than it wouldn't work.
I have honestly spent an entire night reading these novels - never went to sleep - I just couldn't put the book down!
I'll keep you updated on how 'Breath Of Snow and Ashes' plays out - though I'm sure it'll live up to the rest!