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Old 09-14-2006, 09:46 PM   #60 (permalink)
Originally Posted by willravel
It'd be interesting, but I don't see it happening. The DNC doesn't have the balls to go full anti-Bush they way their constituants want. They are their own worst enemy. They suffer from Alan Colmes syndrome.
willravel, you can tell now, that one party "rule" and the corruption that is called the "war on terror", is imploding of it's own volution, before the midterm election has even taken place. The "tell" is that the "news" is looking remarkably similar to what you and I have written, discussed, and documented on these threads, for some time now.

Bush's and Rove's "special assistant", Susan Ralston, who worked for Jack Abaramoff as his "key" assistant, at the last two lobbying firms that he worked at, before he "copped a plea" and sang like a canary to federal prosecutors, against the thugs in "the one party" who sold the influence of their elected offices, to him....was in charge of Abramoff's "sky box" seats that he doled out to these politicians and their staffs. She determined policy and priority in the distribution of these small bribes....choice seats to sporting events. It is fitting that Ralston went directly from working for Abramoff for several years at Greenberg Traurig, to working on the white house staff since 2001. She is still there....employed these many years by a succession of corrupt, partisan thugs, who were all once "young republicans":

By Dan Froomkin
Special to
Wednesday, August 23, 2006; 11:48 AM

When Josh Bolten took over as President Bush's chief of staff almost five months ago, there was some talk of his cleaning house.

But I've just updated my White House Floor Plan , and the fact is that Bolten's West Wing looks a lot like Andrew Card's -- with a few notable exceptions.....

.....For instance, as soon as he took over, Bolten not only relieved senior adviser Karl Rove of his policy portfolio but of his office. Deputy chief of staff Joel Kaplan got Rove's spacious digs, while Rove moved across the hall into a windowless space formerly occupied by his assistant, <b>Susan Ralston.</b> Ralston got former adviser Mike Gerson's smaller office next door.....
Ralston is still at the white house, even as more Abramoff tainted republicans plead guilty to corruption....the list is getting longer; remember Abramoffs cohort and former Tom Delay staffer, Michael Scanlon and his jilted fiancee, who blew the whistle on his corrupt lobbying/bribery, to the "Feds"? Emily was Colin Powell's assistant, and below, we see Powell "acting up"...writing uncannily similarly to the pronouncements of TFP's willravel, or "host":

Ney to Plead Guilty in Scandal

By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, September 15, 2006; Page A04

Rep. Robert W. Ney (R-Ohio) is expected to plead guilty in the coming days to charges stemming from his association with convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff, and he will blame a long-standing problem with alcohol for behavior that spiraled down to illegality, sources close to the congressman said last night.

Ney, known in Abramoff-related court documents as "Representative No. 1," checked into a rehabilitation clinic for alcoholism yesterday, a senior House official and personal friend said yesterday. Under pressure from Republican leaders worried about losing his seat, Ney announced this summer that he would retire from Congress at the end of the year.

Now, three House sources said, the Justice Department is expected to announce a plea agreement or an agreement to reach a plea bargain as early as tomorrow. The sources spoke on the condition of anonymity because they did not want to preempt a legal announcement......

........Guilty pleas from Abramoff, two former aides to retired representative Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) and Ney's former chief of staff all said Ney accepted gifts and favors in exchange for official actions on behalf of Abramoff's clients. Tickets to events and expense-paid golf vacations helped win Ney's support for legislation, his insertion of comments into the congressional record and his pulling strings to secure government contracts for Abramoff's clients, according to Abramoff, former DeLay spokesman Michael Scanlon, former DeLay deputy chief of staff Tony C. Rudy and former Ney chief of staff Neil G. Volz.

For months, Ney has maintained his innocence. Aides in his office did not return calls, and Justice officials would not comment.

Senate Panel Rebuffs Bush on Anti-Terror Legislation
By Richard B. Schmitt and Joel Havemann, Times Staff Writers
1:35 PM PDT, September 14, 2006

WASHINGTON -- President Bush's campaign for tougher legislation on terrorists suffered another blow today when Senate Republicans supported efforts to block his plan to reinterpret Geneva Convention restrictions on the interrogation of prisoners.

By a 15-9 vote, Sen. John Warner (R-Va.), chairman of the Armed Services Committee, and three other Republicans joined Democrats in opposing the change.

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The rejection of Bush's plan could create a dramatic clash, particularly among Republicans campaigning for reelection as being strong on security issues, when the full Senate votes next week.

Today's vote came several hours after Colin Powell, the secretary of State in Bush's first term, spelled out his position in a letter to Sen. John McCain of Arizona.

<b>"The world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism," Powell said. "To redefine [a portion of the Geneva Convention] would add to those doubts."

More than that, he said, it could lead to the mistreatment of American troops captured in Iraq and elsewhere during the war on terrorism.</b>

Powell's letter came as the Senate Armed Services Committee met in closed session to consider Bush's proposal. Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Susan Collins (R-Me.) joined Warner and McCain and all the Democrats on the committee in voting against the proposal.

Bush wants the authorization before the trials begin for 14 high-profile terrorists who have been taken to the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, from CIA prisons worldwide.

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the military tribunals that were set up for prosecuting terror suspects needed congressional authorization. Bush does not want the new tribunals to be hamstrung by what the administration describes as the vague protections that the Geneva Convention, adopted shortly after World War II, offers to prisoners of war.

Before the Armed Services Committee deliberated, Bush paid a rare visit to Capitol Hill to try to shore up support for two foundering anti-terrorism measures and the Geneva Convention proposal. He also made another trip to allow the continuation of the program of eavesdropping on Americans' international phone calls without warrants.

On Wednesday, a divided Senate Judiciary Committee muddied the outlook for an issue that Republicans consider key to the midterm elections when it approved widely divergent bills aimed at overhauling domestic eavesdropping laws.

The committee endorsed a White House-backed measure that would give President Bush broad authority for his warrantless wiretapping program. It also approved legislation by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) that would largely preserve a 1978 law governing domestic spying while making few provisions for new executive powers.

While one lawmaker decried the Senate approach as "totally contradictory," the House Judiciary Committee abruptly canceled a vote on its own version of the surveillance reform law amid signs of dissension among Republicans there.

The White House said it was confident that lawmakers ultimately would enact the measures Bush was promoting. <b>But the growing disharmony over the president's tribunal plan drew warning shots Wednesday from some administration officials.....</b>
Colin Powell Interview With Russert Is Cut Off

Monday, May 17, 2004; Page C04

........... Toward the end of a "Meet the Press" interview with Secretary of State Colin Powell in Jordan, the camera suddenly moved off Powell to a shot of trees in front of the water.

"You're off," State Department press aide Emily Miller was heard saying.

"I am not off," Powell insisted.

"No, they can't use it, they're editing it," Miller said.

"He's still asking the questions," Powell said. .............

........... Undeterred, Russert complained from Washington: "I would hope they would put you back on camera. I don't know who did that." He later said, "I think that was one of your staff, Mr. Secretary. I don't think that's appropriate."

As the delay dragged on, Powell ordered: "Emily, get out of the way. Bring the camera back please." Powell's image returned to the screen, and Russert asked his last question. .........

.............Russert was still puzzled afterward. "A taxpayer-paid employee interrupted an interview," he said. "Not in the United States of America, that's not supposed to go on. This is attempted news management gone berserk. Secretary Powell was really stand-up. He was a general and took charge." Powell later called the NBC anchor from his plane to apologize for the glitch.
<img src="">
<b>Emily Miller</b>
How they got caught: After lobbyist broke off engagement, ex-fiancee told of illicit dealings to FBI

.....Miller was DeLay’s young press secretary and as communications director, Scanlon was her boss. The two began a secretive office romance and Scanlon eventually proposed marriage, associates say.

In 2003, Miller left DeLay’s office to work at the State Department. Scanlon departed too, partnering with now-indicted conservative lobbyist Jack Abramoff in lobbying for an array of Indian tribes. As Scanlon’s star rose, troubles between the couple mushroomed.

In May 2004, Miller found herself at the center of attention when—while live on air—she ordered a cameraman for NBC’s Meet the Press to stop filming Colin Powell. A copy of the transcript shows Miller, who also used to work as an NBC staffer, as a brusque press aide. Powell eventually ordered that the interview continue and asked Miller to step aside.

What many people didn’t realize at the time, however, is that during the Powell interview Miller was upset because her fiancee, Michael Scanlon, had broken off their engagement, two of Miller’s former State Department co-workers said. While still engaged to Miller, Scanlon had started an affair with a manicurist and broke up with Miller because he planned to marry the other woman, three of Scanlon’s former associates at DeLay’s office said. They added that the two had numerous public arguments.

But Miller had something on Scanlon. He confided in her all of his dealings with Abramoff, former colleagues said. She saw his emails and knew the intimate details of his lobbying work—work which is now the center of a criminal fraud investigation. After the breakup, Miller went to the FBI and told them everything about Scanlon’s dealings with Abramoff, her coworkers added.

In turning him in, she became the agency’s star witness against her former lover. Scanlon pled guilty in November and is cooperating with prosecutors; Abramoff reached a plea agreement today.

Scanlon's former colleagues did not speak warmly of him, saying he was not a very likable person because of the way he treated others, and that he later became flamboyant with his newfound wealth.

Aside from the Powell interview, Miller also attracted attention after berating a Washington Post Magazine reporter. In 2001, while Miller was working as press secretary to DeLay she told a reporter who was writing a profile about DeLay. "You lied! . . . You betrayed him! You twisted his words! . . . We don't know you. You don't exist. . . . You are dead to us."

A DeLay spokesman told the Post at the time, "Tom thinks Emily did a fine job for him."
Given this pathetic, incestuous, arrangement, it's increasingly hard to fathom that this bunch of misfit, incompetent, war criminals, bribesters, and political whores, could be the core of the "deterent" that Cheney takes credit for preventing us from getting "hit", again !

How do these affiliations, exposures, investigations, condemnations, and convictions, reflect on the folks who still su7pport the "leaders" and the ruling party?

Last edited by host; 09-14-2006 at 10:00 PM..
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