Originally Posted by Angel_037
My fiance and I just bought our house in March, 2006. We are selling to move to North Carolina into a single home. I feel bad for anyone that buys the house. Unfortunately, I did not come to the walk through with my fiance. He did it and obviously was naive to the neighbors yard and all. We have called the county, wrote the landlord 5 times and called the police. Nothing seems to get through to them. They dont know we wrote landord or called county on them though.
Their yard looks like a garbage dump, there loud music vibrates our home. They blast their music like everyone in neighborhood has to hear it with them. No respect or self respect.
I needed to vent. Wish there was a way of getting rid of them being they rent. I am thinking of calling there landlord but not sure of what to say or do. I just hope that when people come to do the walk through and try to sell it, the neighbors wont be idiots.
Well, thank you for reading and have a good weekend. Kim
Do you have your own stereo? Find the local classical music station and blast classical music until 2 am.... They might get the picture. lol.