Originally Posted by Dilbert1234567
If wills not convinced yet, I’m not done yet. And they did not sacrifice themselves, they were killed / murdered. And although it did lead us to war, it is still not certain that we would not have gone to war even if 9/11 did not happen, I think even if there was no 9/11 we would still be in Iraq, just because of the leadership in the white house, not that I agree with it one bit, but it would be going a lot better in Iraq, we would not be spread in Afghanistan as well.
I'm not sure the white house could have rallied support for the invasion of Iraq without the galvanizing events on 9/11, but that is or another thread.
Originally Posted by Dilbert1234567
One thing about anecdotal evidence, sometimes it is twisted, distorted and interpreted wrong, Mike Walter is often quoted by conspiracy theorist as saying a cruise missile hit the pentagon… he said it but it was taken way out of context,
This missle theory is based on the size of the entrance hole, the apparent lack of debris (which is an arguable point), and the circular hole in the rear that was only recently connected with the landing gear. Up until the recent Pop Mech 9/11 Conspiracy Theory book, the only story about the rear hole that's backable by testimony has been that it was created by the nose of the plane. I think we can all agree that the nose of the plane didn't make the rear hole, but it's arguable what did. The landing gear is a much more likely explaination that the nosecone, but the landing gear traveling so muhc farther than the engines is highly suspect. One landing arm cashes through sodozens of feet of steel reinforced concrete, but the other landing gear and the eingines don't even make it out of the first wing? I dunno, but that sounds suspecious. Add to that the testimony of the firefighters on the scene who said they saw what looked like the ffront of the plane, and we have a very confusing situation.
Originally Posted by Dilbert1234567
prilimanary explination: the pentagon is designed to survive a military strike
Oh dear. Tow inches of blast proof glass can withstand the direct impact of a titanium and aluminum engine traveling at 500+ mph speeds? Somehow I doubt that, espically when windows not in the direct path of the plane were broken from the explosion or the heat from the fire. That is a massive inconsistency of strength that was never addressed.
Originally Posted by Dilbert1234567
lastly, i'd like to appologise to willravel, i've been calling him willTravel all this time.
Oh don't worry about it. I didn't realize the second part of your screen name was 1234567 until this every moment. I just cut and pasted it.
Will = my first name, Ravel = Maurice Ravel, one of my favorite composers of french romantic music.