See, that's where it starts. It starts with a close group of cool people that you like raiding with and you like as people. Then somewhere along the line, the drama queens in the group fuck everything up and the guild falls apart. But by that time you're so into raiding and so into loot that you have to find another guild. So you do, and maybe some of your friends come with you, but generally these new kids are a bunch of stupid scrubs. They've got more progress under their belts and you're getting all kinds of loot because it would've been de'd, but you spend most of your time talking to your friends from your old guild because they're cooler anyway. And then at some point you get totally fed up with the new scrubs that you landed with and loot and scoot to get yourself into a premier raiding guild on the server and find yourself raiding for 7 hours a night and farming another 3 hours a day to keep up the habit.
It's a dark, dangerous spiral. Something wicked this way comes...