Originally Posted by Nikilidstrom
Two evil charaters that will always stick with their actors no matter what other role they play are Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs, and Private Pyle from Full Metal Jacket.
I cannot watch Ted Levine or D'Onofrio in any other show without seeing those characters.
And I know Pyle wasn't technically evil, but watching him transform over the first half of the film from a harmless simpleton to a hate filled timebomb waiting to explode was chilling. And it doesn't help that D'Onofrio has played several lowlifes in his career.
Totally, totally agree...Private Pyle and D'Onofrio's performance in FMJ was immediately what came to my mind when I saw this thread. D'Onofrio is such an amazing actor, and he's fuckin' scary sometimes--even on Law and Order: Criminal Intent.
But Buffalo Bill gave me nightmares, and he's the only villain in a movie who has ever done that.