I'm a big fan of grits and okra (fried, pickled, or otherwise) and I'm sure I've had boiled peanuts, but I can't recall my impressions of 'em.
I'm from West Virginia, so I'm well acquainted with most southern food. Ophelia783 is from Montreal, however, so I've had the priviledge of introducing her to grits (salted or sweet, depends on the mood), okra, cat's head biscuits (damn good!), cornbread and beans, proper sweet tea, fried mush, funnel cakes, deep-fried catfish, pickled sausage, beef jerkey, venison, hushpuppies, and other southern delicacies.
I haven't been able to serve her head cheese, pig's feet, fried green tomatoes, or a few of our more "acquired" flavors.