Originally Posted by Ample
I love Bellingham, I used to go there once a month when I was stationed in Oak Harbor. I grew up in Vancouver, WA though. Being right over the bridge from Oregon I got to experience all of what Portland had to offer, but get to go home to better housing, better roads, and better schools. Down in Vancouver it rains a lot less than it does up in the norther area of the state too.
The problem with Vancouver, Washington is that it doesn't have the urban growth controls that the Portland area does, and so it has become a place of constant construction and sprawl. Clark County, WA is growing incredibly fast, and acres of farmland and greenspace are being eaten up in the process. Furthermore, the people of Clark County have twice refused to have the MAX expanded across the river, and so the only public transportation connection between the two sides is bus, which gets stuck (just like I do) in the traffic across the I-5 and 205 bridges.
Once they get the construction done on that giant section of I-5 that they have torn up (and have had torn up for 5 years now), Vancouver will be a lot better.