Originally Posted by willravel
Would you jump to your death if you were on fire? It's the same basic concept.
Ustwo, your post content is nonexistant. You're response based jabs are useless and are blatently flaming no matter in Politics or Paranoia, and because of them no one on the left and very few on the right take you seriously. If you would stop for even a moment, you could actually contribute. You could learn quite a bit from stevo on the matter. He disagrees with me completly, but actually have relevant content in his posts. For that I respect him. For that I engage him in discussion.
People have been known to jump rather than die in a fire yes, its a common thing, I dont' know where you get your information on these things. If you heard an explosion in a building would you jump out to die for sure? Fuck no, at least not a sane person. An explosion does not mean the building is going to fall for sure, but jumping means you are dead for sure.
I don't care what you think of me, I think very little of you in this. You use warped logic to prove an absurd point on a sensative issue. I saw those people jump will while you were in highschool and I'd assume your drug period. It wasn't due to any fucking explosions.