Originally Posted by clavus
There were a few times when I stopped bullies. Each time it involved me punching them in the face or gut. If I had the confidence to punch more of them, I would have been bullied a lot less.
Put me in the pro-punching camp.
I have had only a couple of experiences with this, once in grade school and once in high school, and I agree with you. Even if you can't win the fight most bullies do not really want to have to fight you and once they understand that you will not back down will usually leave you alone and find other easier targets. You have to be willing to get beat up for this to work.
In the OP's case of this small girl being bullied by a much larger older boy though this strategy will probably not work. I would think that there should be some way to have this boy's peers ridicule him for picking on a little girl.
The problem with getting the school involved is that the kids are not always at school when this stuff happens. Any boy who would pick on a much smaller younger girl may have some mental problems so perhaps the advice offered by "The_Jazz" should be taken and threaten legal action. Also there seems to be crazier more violent people, adults and children nowadays than years ago.