I was sleeping. I didn't have class that tuesday. I heard a loud bang on my door and my roommate's voice yelling for me to wake up. I could tell by the sound of his voice that there was something going on. I walked outside my room and looked at the TV. There was 1 tower standing and smoke everywhere. My first thought and words were "They finally got us." The rest of the day I don't remember as well as most people I know. I just remember getting together with my friends. Watching the tv a lot and going to the shell station for a pack of smokes. I remember how I felt. I remember the television. I remember the footage. I remember talking to some people. But I don't know if I slept for the next 3 days. I was pretty affected. Within the next few months I had called the air force and army, neither would take me "permenately disqualified" I felt helpless on 9/11. I felt pretty helpless then too. After the first few months I avoided most coverage of 9/11 for the next 4 1/2 years. How many times can you see the planes hit the towers? But I did watch the documentary on CBS the other night, the one about the firefighters - I believe it aired a couple months after 9/11. That was good. real good.
"If I am such a genius why am I drunk, lost in the desert, with a bullet in my ass?" -Otto Mannkusser