Originally Posted by stevo
So Kalid Sheik Muhammed, captured in pakistan shortly after the 9/11 whose just been transfered to gitmo is a patsy? a stooge? I understand that it could have been undertaken by no one other than the 19 hijackers, but just because it could have happened that way doesn't mean it did. For the 19 hijackers to have been the be-all and end-all in the attacks on 9/11 they would have had to have left there message somewhere? No? I would imagine there would be some evidence that points to them being independent of any other group. Instead they left it up to the survivors to tell the world why. It doesn't seem logical to me that 19 people would commit a terrorist act, kill themselves along with thousands others and not leave behind a message, but rely on an unrelated terrorist group - al qaeda to give explination and advance their own agenda.
Stevo you're talking about the same intelligence community that suggested WMDs and Iraq-al Qaeda links. Isn't it possible they have Sheik Muhammed by mistake? I mean he has committed other terrorist attacks, and intel coming from the terrorist networks has always been unreliable.
Also, we still don't have the confirmed identities of the hijackers. Osama might have been meeting with the
suspected hijackers, but we don't know for sure. Many of the men the CIA accouse of being the 9/11 hijackers are still alive. To me that makes the whole list quite suspect.