Originally Posted by Elphaba
Then it becomes rather obvious that the challenge to start pet posts (well received by other members) is somehow tainted because we responded to the challenge given?
Give me a fucking break. I stopped posting or starting new threads the minute I saw that hand writing on the wall. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Lady Sage decides to not rock the boat and says she is out of the discussion and she gets this response:.
Why is it that Elph is the only one who has pulled the proper meaning out of what I said in my one little comment?
I have completely had it with people taking stabs and being holier than thou. If people have such an issue with my intention to let sleeping dogs (pun intended) lie then fine. Put me on ignore.
Speaking of that fabulous function, since I will not start a new thread because of similar behavior from other people, would someone be so kind as to PM me with how to use that particular feature please?
If only closed minds came with closed mouths.
Minds are like parachutes, they function best when opened.