I woke up to hear the TV louder than usual. Walked into the kitchen and my wife told me what had happened. I watched the video a few times, got an odd, queasy feeling, but went to work.
Saw clients all day, one of whom was highly upset. It seemed to upset her that I wasn't more agitated. She is worlds apart from me on the political spectrum, and she asked me if I knew what "jihad" means. I said, "Of course I do. But this took so much planning that whoever did it has pretty much blown their wad. They're going to have trouble doing anything else for awhile."
I continued to have that odd, surreal feeling all day. While the shots I saw of people jumping to their deaths affected me, I had been a little hardened by deaths I viewed when I was in the military, so it didn't really change anything as far as how I felt.
What really made me think we might have just entered into a war was when I saw fighters flying cover over the pentagon. I just didn't think I'd ever live to see that.
"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."
Margaret Thatcher