Originally Posted by shakran
Seriously, what the hell? They created a GENERAL forum for GENERAL topics of interest. You guys are acting like the universe will implode if you put a pet topic in there. FFS if you wanna talk about pets, the mods aren't stopping you. Post it in the general forum. That's what it's there for. Why in hell are you all raising such a big damn stink about this? This is not OUR board, it's THEIR board (and more precisely it's HALX'S board). If we want something we can ask. If they agree, great. If not, suck it up and take it like an adult.
If you're really pissed about it, go get your own server space and make your own pet forum.
Yeah, some of us (and fortunately I'm not a mod so I don't have to be as nice about it) are getting pissed about this little scuffle. Possibly because people on this board are paranoid as hell and they LOVE to suspect the mods of being the Evil Ones of the TFP. Either they're out to ban everyone or they're out to suppress the republicans or the democrats or they're out to get the pet lovers. Just let it go.
Quite frankly the thing I appreciate most about Analog is that he doesnt' sugarcoat things. You don't have to wonder what he's really thinking about you. If he thinks you're full of shit, he'll let you know. I think that kind of honesty is frankly refreshing, especially in this over-the-top political-correctness society.
And you should note that, unless you say something completely, appallingly stupid, he won't start out browbeating you. He'll explain what's going on, but if you don't get it then after awhile he gets annoyed. I'm pretty much the same way, which is why the tone of this post is not nearly as friendly as the tone of my first post in the original discussion thread.
I am glad to hear that you appreciate that level of honestly, because I think *you* are full of shit.
Look at what you posted above and then give an honest evaluation of what has gone before you. Hyperbole does not become you or your profession.
No one here in support of a Pet forum is having some sort of hissy fit that you and analog imply. I challenged the notion that we were given an honest challenge to engage interest in a Pet forum, which in turn gets mocked by a mod. Very bad form in my opinion, but Hal runs this joint and I would like to believe that he gives a damn about what his members think as a whole.
I said long ago that I didn't give a damn about a pet forum, but I would support the challenge to see if interest existed among the members. I have done that level of participation, and I *still* don't give a damn about a pet forum.
A tacky cheap shot by a mod to a relatively new member of tfp is something that should matter to everyone that cares about this place of encouragement and growth. I am accustomed to that sort of treatment by analog and I truly don't give a tinker's damn. I am directly asking Hal if he cares about how members are treated here by this particular mod.