Originally Posted by jorgelito
When I do my push up regemin, I do 5 sets. Each set I do as many as possible til I collapse paying attention to form and breathing. The 4th set I spread my arms wider and the 5 set I make a triangle with my hands. I do this 3 times a week. So far, I feel the regular associated soreness, but I wonder, if this "workout" is doing anything at all? Can I devise a better pushup or at home workout (with minimal equipment)? For what you ask? To stay lean, maintain muscle tone, maybe gain a little mass (I know it sounds contradictory), overall health etc. It feels like my triceps get the most workout at the moment.
Hindu pushups, hindu squats, back bridge. That's all you need to do
I'm totally convinced these 3 exercises cover everything. Maybe add jump roping a few hundred-1000 reps a night if you want the fat to melt off.
Do about 2 times as many squats as pushups and hold the back bridge for a minute or so. I've played high school and college sports, weight lifted, ran, and I've never felt/looked as great as I do now. I have more power and endurance too. I saw an ad for these videos called Combat Conditioning. Do a google for Matt Furey he makes them. Don't order from him though unless you want to spend outrageous prices, just get them on ebay for 1/5 the price.
This shows basically shows how to do it. The real key is breathing opposite of how you would traditionally in weights.
If you can ignore the over hyped sales pitch, he does show you how to do some really quality exercises.
I do 200 hindu squats/1000 reps jump rope 1 night, next night 120 hindu pushups/1000 jump ropes, next night 5 min bridging/1000 jump ropes. I highly reccommend it for a simple, fast workout that gets you in great shape.
Anyway that's my reccomendation if you enjoy pushups and non-weight stuff like I do.
Originally Posted by noahfor
You can't achieve sufficient intensity with body weight push ups to stimulate muscle growth. That's a conclusion I've come to reading stuff other people, whom I believe, wrote.
Myth. You have to do more reps, but you can definetly stimulate muscle growth.