I was in school at the time.
More specifically, I was sound asleep in my 2nd period math class. I remember the principal making the announcement that there was a terrorist attack on the WTC. I lifted my head from my desk, still only semi-concious, and thought perhaps I was having a terrible dream - until I saw my classmate's faces.
I left school shortly after and went home and watched the news the rest of the day. I can clearly remember how horrific it was watching the towers collapse.
As far as how I felt as a result, it was really quite surprising. I'm pretty anti-military, and yet when the sun set on the 11th, I was seriously considering joining up. I quickly realized the impact of what had happened, but in all actuality, overestimated - apparently by a lot. I thought the World would be different somehow, but it is amazing how quickly some people forget...
I have an aura of reliability and good judgement.
Just in case you were wondering...