My tried and true method... In NY anyway. Go to the court date. Tell the Judge you would like to speak to the DA (or if it's a boondocks town like where I live, pleade not guilty, and state you would like to speak with the officer).
DA will look at your record, and possibly (read probably) offer you a plea bargain down to a very expensive parking ticket. Then you plead guilty to that offense, no insurance rate increase, just a dent in your wallet.
If its the cop, second appearance, he will probably show up, but same procedure. At the absolute worst, your situation didnt get any better, but it didnt get any worse. Best case, 100-200 dollar fine, and no ticket.
84 in a 55 reduced to 135 dollar parking on pavement, by your friendly NY State Trooper, all because my record was mostly clean, and I was polite on the side of the road.