Hopefully no one who has even a passing interest in politics takes the 9/11 report seriously. Whether liberal or conservative, whether 9/11 conspiracy theorist or not, whether a Bush supporter or not, we can all see that the comission was a joke in the worst possible way. It was theatre put on for the shallow entertainment of the masses to satiate a well wetted apetite for justice; or more accurately vengence. That hunger for justice remains because their show was so poorly put together (perhaps they should have consulted with J.J. Abrahms before submitting the final script). The taste for vengence has been replaced by apathy due to ongoing war and fear. It really seemed on the surface to be a perfect plan, but the holes are so large and numerous that when reading through the damned report, I fear falling through it into nothingness.
Historical records have suffered. While a multitude of books seeking the truth have come out, I've read more than a few social studies text books lately that give horrible misinformation for our children to ignore in overcrowded classrooms. While a few of our children might hold tight to the little information that we have (maybe host should publish his memoirs sooner then later), the masses will dully think back to the day when Iraq blew up the twin towers and was the source of global terrorism, and how we lost tens of thousands of troops trying to win back our dignity. They will think back to when we destroyed Iran for developing nuclear weapons. When we stoped the drug regeims in Venesuela by burning the country to the ground. How we brought democracy to so many countries, only to have us take it away. Stories from uncles and fathers that serve in the Second Gulf War will be the foundation of everything from entertaining movies to alcoholism and PTSD.
This is our legacy.