Originally posted by nash
Thanks for answering all our dental questions
Here's another one though:
I was wondering if you could comment on the effectiveness of using a solution of 50% Hydrogen Peroxide and 50% water (like the instructions on the bottle indicate) as mouthwash versus the "brand name" mouthwashes (e.g., Scope and Listerine).
Can retainers stain your teeth? I had braces on for a year and a half and now I've been wearing a retainer for quite a while (8 months or so). Some parts of my teeth near where the metal part of the retainer presses against my teeth are turning a light brown. I brush twice a day and use mouthwash (sometimes the h2o2, sometimes scope). What else can stain teeth that I need to be careful of?
Heh, after writing all this I realize that I can just call up my dentist and ask him tomorrow.
1) Go with Listerine. Hydrogen peroxide is a toxic substance and although using it at 1.5% solution (the stuff you buy in the store is 3%) should be OK, I'd prefer to spend the $3 every few months on a name brand, especially if you use a rinse daily.
Of the name brand ones, Listerine is the only one really shown to decrease the amount of bacteria in your mouth. But it also has alcohol in it which dries your mouth out. Dry mouth --> bad breath. If you want to get fancy, check Biotene products, they've got some good stuff.
2) The stainig is likely due to plaque acumulating where the retainer wire meets your teeth from drinking & eating with it on. Go for regular cleanings or splurge on an extra one per year to keep it extra clean. Not much you can do, staining comes from drinking/eating almost anything with a retainer in place.