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Old 09-09-2006, 01:01 PM   #7 (permalink)
Maveric's Avatar
Location: Houston, Texas
i was bored and wrote detailed spoilers for the first half of the pilot episode if anyone is interested...


The series starts of with a brief introduction;

[quote]In recent days, a seemingly random group of individuals has emerged with what can only be described as "special abilities". Although unaware of it now, these individuals will not only save the world, but change it forever. This transformation from ordinary to extraordinary will not occur overnight. Every story has a beginning. Volume One of their epic tale begins here...[quote]

The first scene begins with a voice over of Mohinder Suresh, an Indian Teacher of Genetics. Mohinder discusses the meaning of life and human nature. During the voice over we see Peter Petrelli standing on the ledge of a building preparing to take a step off an dive into the air. Peter fall head first in slow motion until right before he hits the ground everything turns black and he sees his brother's face then wakes up.

Next scene, Peter wakes up in a home located Manhattan, Central Park West. Enter through the doorway, the sexy hottt African American babe, Simone Deveaux. Simone inquires about her father who is dying. Peter is a male nurse who attends to the elderly who are near death. Peter seems to be the sincere, compassionate, sensitive type. Simone mentioned that Peter is like a son to her father and Peter replies that it make her his sister and then it would be awkward if he ever wanted to ask her out. She's flattered but she has a boyfriend. He realizes how inappropriate that statement was and quickly apologizes. Simone gives Peter a once over look as he attends her father. Definitely some sexual chemistry there...

Next scene, we find ourselves in Madras, India (3 days ago) listening to a lecture from Mohinder Suresh about evolution. Mohinder starts discussing the possibility of humans evolving and the possibility of special abilities. The class ends and Mohinder chats with his colleague, Nerod (sp?) about his father and his father's work. Apparently the college has fired his father for teaching the same theories. A somber Nerod informs Mohinder that his father is dead. Mohinder's father was apparently killed while driving a cab in Queens, New York City where Mohinder's father believes Patient Zero for the next step in evolution will be located. Mohinder has just spoken to his father two days ago. Mohinder claims that his father informed him that he was being followed, and that someone was trying to steal his work. Mohinder believes that his father died because of his theories. Mohinder is going to New York to recover his father’s research. Mohinder voices his dedication to finishing what his father started... Mohinder enters a doorway in Madras and we cut into a new scene.

Next scene, Mohinder enters the doorway of his father's New York apartment. (Btw, nice seg-way into the new scene) Mohinder notices a pair of thick eye glasses on a pile of opened books. Rummaging through his father's notes we see files on human flight potential, rapid cellular regeneration, teleportation, etc. We see a picture of Mohinder and his father who apparently does not wear eye glasses, especially heavy prescription. While messing around with some notes his father has pinned on a large world map hung on the wall a cell phone rings in the next room. A tall man in a trench coat, unaware of Mohinder, answers the phone and speaks. Trench coat man says that the father left everything behind but the computer and that they should bring a team in to tag and bag everything. (it sounds like police detective or FBI lingo to me...) Mohinder starts quickly gathering notes, taking a couple of pictures of the maps with various pins stuck in them. Mohinder takes a moment to make sure to remove the pin stuck on the New York location, then quickly exits. Trench coat guy walks back into the Map room and picks up his glasses. Cut to next scene.

Scene opens to stripper music and a hot blonde, Niki Sanders, displaying a little scantily clad TnA for an internet linked tri-pod camera somewhere in Las Vegas, Nevada. ((OMG I wanna drink tequila (patron silver) shots off that belly button!!!)) After a few minutes of teasing an alarm goes off. Niki throws on a robe, (((Why God Why!!!)) goes over to her laptop, and enters “times up” under the alias XXXNikki4u in a message chat window. A reply from Huggerz69 states “Little more. Please.”. Niki responds, “It’ll cost you another 39 bucks”. Huggerz69 promptly replies,”BITCH!”. Niki verbally replies “Pervert.”, and shuts off her computer. Eerie music starts to play. Niki walks past a mirror, stops in place, and then looks around as if someone is watching her… Niki walks into another room and loudly announces “time to get up Mica”. Niki walks into a back bedroom obviously belonging to a child. The room is empty and the window left open. Eerie music intensifies. Niki raises her voice calling for Mica and storms out of the bedroom, her reflection in the bedroom mirror pauses momentarily then follows. Niki finds Mica (played by child piano prodigy turned actor Noah Gray-Cabey) in the kitchen building a new logic board for his computer. Upset with Mica Niki warns him not to do that again, he needs to be careful, and not to talk to any strangers. Mica is obviously a child prodigy. Niki notices another of Mica’s projects. Mica explains it’s a school project; it’s for viewing the eclipse that happens later that day. Niki tries to rush Mica to get ready for school. Mica chastises his mom because he’s dressed, and already made and packed his lunch. “What have you been doing all morning?” Mica sarcastically replies. Niki tells him not to get smart with her, that she has been working to pay bills. “Yeah, that’s why they turned off our gas again?” retorts Mica. The door bell rings. Niki tells Mica to get his stuff and wait by the back door. Niki peaks out the window and notices two menacing looking guys at the door, one of them putting on gloves. Niki grabs Mica and heads out the back. Apparantly, Niki was expecting a visit from these guys because she parked on street behind her house. The two thugs break down the door as Niki speeds away in her P.o.S. car that almost doesn’t start, and blows a lot of smoke out the back. End Scene.

Scene opens in Odessa, Texas with a video camera background. ((*note camera timer is at 47 minutes meaning that 46 minutes of video footage has already been used…)) The camera focuses on a Blonde haired cheerleader running up a mill chute about 70-80 feet off the ground. The cheerleader asks if the camera is ready. An unseen teenage boy operating the camera provides some narration. The cheerleader jumps off the ledge and falls to the ground. Camera boy freaks and rushes to where she landed. The cheerleader awkwardly gets up, pops her obviously dislocated shoulder back into place, looks into the camera and states “This is Claire Bennet and that was attempt number 6. End scene.

The scene opens with soaring music as the camera point of view flies over and through the buildings of New York. Cut into scene the noise of a loud bus braking at a red light which wakes up Peter Petrelli who was daydreaming in a cab. We see a picture of Nathan Petrelli (Peter’s brother) who is running for Congress. Peter exits the cab and enters the campaign office of his brother Nathan, who is running late for a fund raiser. Peter tells Nathan that it has happened to more times. Peter tell Nathan that sometimes he dreams he is falling and sometimes he is flying and sometimes Nathan is in them. Nathan is busy and in a hurry and doesn’t want to hear it. Peter swears it’s not just dreams and that this morning when he got out of bed his foot just hovered for a split second before hitting the ground, like he was floating. Peter tells Nathan that he thinks he can fly. Nathan laughs and tells him to try jumping of the Brooklyn Bridge and see what happens. Peter suggests starting with something a little lower, like learning to walk. Once Nathan realizes that Peter is serious he tells Peter to snap out of it, go see a doctor, get some drugs, but do not pull a Roger Clinton on him because Nathan is 8 points down in the polls. Peter exclaims that isn’t about Nathan, it’s about him. Peter feels that something is happening to him and Nathan will be the only one to understand. Nathan gives Peter an agitated look and replies, “Why do you think I would understand that you could fly?”. “Because you’re my brother!”, Peter says. Nathan’s cell phone rings. It’s their mother; she is calling from jail for shoplifting. Peter and Nathan get in a cab, and then make their way to the jail. End scene.

New scene opens with Claire Bennet (the Texas high school senior cheerleader) walking down a country road with a geeky looking teenage boy who is reviewing the footage he just filmed a little while ago. Claire announces that she is depressed. The boy asks why. Other than nearly “fudging” himself, that was the single coolest thing to happen to this town in a hundred years. “Not if nobody finds out, it’s not”, replies Claire. The boy asks her, “why did you want me to tape it?” Claire informs the boy that she has her reasons. The boy still can’t believe that she asked him to video tape her because she had stopped talking to him since the sixth grade. “It’s safer this way”, Claire responds. He believes that Claire chose him because he is so unpopular that if he did tell, which he wouldn’t, that no one would believe him. The boy tells Claire that it’s not like she wouldn’t be popular anymore. Claire freaks out on him, claiming that her life is over, and she is a freak show. The boy thinks Claire is a little dramatic. Claire goes off on him again, explaining the multiple attempts she has tried to harm herself but can’t. Clair has broken every bone in her body, stabbed herself in the chest, put a 2’ steel rod through her neck, and she doesn’t have a scratch on her. The boy notices something poking out of the side of her shirt. Claire lifts her shirt to see some bloody rib bones poking out. Claire shoves the bones back in, and the wound rapidly heals itself over. Claire makes the boy give her the video tape. The boy offers to give Claire a ride on his handle bars. Claire gives him a look that implies “you have got to be joking”. And tells him no thanks then walks away. Feeling bad she turns around and promises to talk to him in front of people at school the next day. A fire truck blares it’s horn and heads down the road. Another truck coming from the opposite direction with A & I Transportation (hard to tell, could be wrong) with a Texas state logo painted on the side door. As the truck passes by, the back flaps open and two men in black masks can be seen holding onto some sort of tank (with a serial number I think) loaded in the back of the truck. ((I missed that part the first time I watched it.)) Scene fades to black.

Scene opens in Tokyo, Japan at the cubicle of Hiro Nakamura. Toys line his chaotically messy desk, cartoon art is proudly displayed, and an anime screen saver flashes across his flat panel monitor. Hiro, the young cubicle jockey for Yamagato Industries, stares intensely at his desk clock. After a few moments of intense concentration, Hiro wills time to stop for a second and then go backwards for a second. Hiro grins, pumps his fists into the air, and screams “I did it!” in Japanese. Hiro runs down the alley of cubicles spazzing out with glee.

((side note – is it just me or does the Japanese language use too many words to express a sentiment? Two and three word statements seem to verbally require a paragraph’s worth of words.))

Hiro excitedly makes his way to his friend’s cubicle. Hiro’s friend gives him this embarrassed look and asks, “What now?”. “I have broken the space / time continuum!”, declares Hiro. Hiro friend tell him “Good for you.” As he tries to get some work finished. Hiro explains that he made the hands of his clock turn back time for one second using only the powers of his mind. Hiro’s friend sarcastically replies, “Too bad you’re not paid by the hour.”. Hiro claims that he is serious, and that would explain why the train was 14 seconds late today, and the train is never late. Hiro cockily declares that he has discovered powers beyond any mere mortal. “You and Spock”, retorts his friend. “Yes. Like Spock. Exactly” beams Hiro proudly. Hiro’s freaky looking (Caucasian???) manager grabs him forcefully by the back of the neck, and drags him back to his cubicle. Hiro’s friend screams after Hiro, “Use your ‘death grip’, Spock! The ’death grip!”. ((I nearly pissed myself from laughing so hard during this scene!!!)) Hiro’s friend goes back to “work” on his computer. We see on his screen and a message from XXXNikki4u that states, Time’s up”. Hiro’s friend types a message reply “Little more. Please.” under the handle Huggerz69. End scene.

The scene quickly opens with Mica reading a 9th Wonders comicbook pictured *here* without the titles and captions.

(( also happens to be the official unofficial website for the TV show. There are a lot of spoilers for up coming episodes, interviews, pics, superhero art, to check out.))

The scene moves into the Mica’s school office. The dean admits that Mica is quite “gifted” but that’s not the issue. Niki tries to flirt with the dean but fails miserably, and embarrasses herself in the process. The dean smugly claims that he feels his school is not the right fit for Mica. Niki tries to make excuses but the dean only replies with unsympathetic apologies. Niki quickly gets angry and reminds the dean that she gave him $25,000.00, not counting tuition fees, to get Mica in this school. The dean coldly reminds Niki that the $25,000.00 was a donation, and that her checks for the last three tuition fees have bounced. They argue over the money. Niki get pissed and grabs the dean by the tie angrily demanding her money back. The dean replies, “That’s not possible”. Niki storms out of the office and tells Mica that they are getting out of there, and that he’s too good for their school. Niki passes a large aquarium with a mirrored backdrop. Niki’s reflection gives her a dirty look. Niki tells the reflection to leave her alone, and they leave.

Scene opens with Peter and Nathan being brought into the holding area for their mother who was arrested for shoplifting. Nathan chastises her while Peter gives her a kiss and asks her how she is. She states that the store is going to drop the charges and all she has to do is fill out a form, that it’s no big deal. Nathan paces back and forth while berating his mother because if this scene gets out to the public it will hurt his chances of becoming a congressman. Nathan irritated, asks his mother what she could have possibly needed so badly that she needed to steal it. Nathan quickly reconsiders and doesn’t want to know. “Socks”, replies his mother anyway. Nathan can’t understand why she would need to steal socks, especially after her husband left her a fortune when he died. Since her husbands death 6 months ago she has been pulling these kinds of stunts. Nathan exclaims, “Dad’s gone! Just get over it!” Peter defends his mother by telling Nathan to leave her alone, and that all that matters is that she is okay. Nathan sarcastically disagrees, saying next thing you know she will be telling the media that she is a crack whore. Peter opens the door and tells Nathan to leave, that he’ll take care of this. Nathan lopoks at him a moment, agrees, and states that he has to make sure this gets buried. Nathan leaves sarcastically thanking his mother. Peter gently asks his mom, “What were you thinking?” Peter’s mom replies, “I just wanted to feel alive again”. They leave the office while discussing Nathan’s actions. Peter states that Nathan only thinks of himself. Peter’s mom says his father was the same way, that they are both alpha dogs. Peter’s Mom worries that his selflessness and caring for dying old people will leave him broke. Peter retorts, “I’ll just shoplift some socks”. Peter’s mother advises that when you put everyone else first, that you end up last. They discuss how Nathan always needed more attention and how Peter allowed it. Peter doesn’t deny it because he loves his brother. Peter’s mom believes love is overrated. Peter knows Nathan loves him, they have always been close. They argue a bit more and Peter’s mom apologizes. What Peter’s mom is trying to point out is that Peter has always hero worshipped his brother, but those feelings were never returned. Peter disagrees, claims it’s biological, that they are connected. Peter reveals that when Nathan had his accident ((*potential flashback storyline set-up – Mav)) that he woke up and he knew/felt that Nathan had been hurt even before he got the phone call. Peter’s mom dismisses him, and leaves. End Scene.

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