Originally Posted by sapiens
You don't think that the poor pay taxes?
Only point of purchase taxes. Once you take out non-taxable income, and deductions you won't be paying much if any federal tax at the poverty line.
I wonder how long our system of government would last if we eliminated the right to vote from the poor
I don't think we should, I said if you are paying no taxes, I want the poor to vote.
Who said anything about overtaxing?
You think that increasing taxes on the poor will give them a real stake in the government?
If everyone viewed a tax increase as taking money from them, then yes. Why would I care if you tax the rich more if I'm poor? Why would I care if you tax the middle class more if I'm poor?
and what will that then accomplish? Make them rich?
It would prevent the US from becoming a socialst state intent on the foolish goal of wealth redistrobution. It would keep the economy strong. It would eliminate a lot of useless politicians buying votes with public funds.