Thanks for answering all our dental questions
Here's another one though:
I was wondering if you could comment on the effectiveness of using a solution of 50% Hydrogen Peroxide and 50% water (like the instructions on the bottle indicate) as mouthwash versus the "brand name" mouthwashes (e.g., Scope and Listerine).
Can retainers stain your teeth? I had braces on for a year and a half and now I've been wearing a retainer for quite a while (8 months or so). Some parts of my teeth near where the metal part of the retainer presses against my teeth are turning a light brown. I brush twice a day and use mouthwash (sometimes the h2o2, sometimes scope). What else can stain teeth that I need to be careful of?
Heh, after writing all this I realize that I can just call up my dentist and ask him tomorrow.