Originally Posted by willravel
I think you misunderstood what I was asking. I'm not Al Gore, I don't care about so and so from so and so, I'm looking for blanket figures. I'm not trying to say the poor pay a higher percentage than the rich, btw. I'm just trying to fix Ustwo's numbers. The top 50% paying over 96% is misleading. I'm trying to adjust that number based on income.
The Congressional Budget Office did an analyis of the Bush tax cuts in 2001 and 2003. Among the findings:
* The
bottom 20 percent of Americans will see their after-tax incomes
increase by an average of 1.5 percent due to the Bush tax cuts, while the tax cuts will raise the after-tax income of the middle 60 percent by about 2 percent, on average.
* Those in the top 20 percent will enjoy larger after-tax income gains, with after-tax income increasing 3.3 percent due to the tax cuts.
The top one percent will see its after-tax income grow by an average of 5.3 percenr, more than double the percentage increase enjoyed by the middle class.
UStwo..as to your responses, to my other questions....nice deflection