-Not signalling
-Waiting until the end of the merging land and only moving over fast enough to avoid the guard rail
-The fifth person to run the red light (hey, maybe the first four genuinely thought they could make it)
-People who will floor it past you when you're trying to change lanes so as not to let you in front of them
-Not Signalling
-People who don't think that 95mph is fast enough in bumper-to-bumper traffic
I need a sticker that says "If you can read this then don't get any fucking closer to my bumper, asshole!"
Dave Barry fans may recall the phrase "atomic land torpedos"
I think that is pretty self-explanatory.
The worst is when I pull inot the right lane to let a tailgater pass, and they maintain the same speed, giving me the indication that they just don't realize that there's something wrong with folowing so closely.