Originally Posted by willravel
The president isn't just the Commander in Cheif of the Armed Forces, he's also Cheif Diplomat, Cheif Executive, and Head Legislator, offices that he has not been very successful in. Our allies hate us, Washington is more corrupt today than it was 10 years ago, and he's never vetoed.
It is inconsequential the sentiments held by our allies, Bush's only duty is to this country, no one else. As such any decision he makes should be for our benefit and our behalf. Choices made by the President aren't always easy, nor are they ideal, but the easy way isn't always the right way to get something done. Corruption and everything else isn't a monopoly held by Bush, it's a natural part of politics.
In war you serve those you protect and protect those you serve. Ambition has nothing to do with National Defence. Do you feel more or less safe after 9/11?
Ambition has everything to do with our National defence, you fight a war (such as military actions in Iraq, Afghanistan, the broader war on terror) to win it, completely and utterly. My only complaints about Bush in this conflicts is that he and the military brass have been too easy on our enemies.
I can't say I feel anymore safe since 9/11, but that's just my nature, I in no way shape or form feel any less safe. I've never felt threatened as a result of 9/11 or terrorism. But noting all the arrests and plots being disrupted, it would seem that something is working, don't know if the credit should go to Bush and his methods, but it's clear that shit was going to happen and now it is not.
Too political, you say? So you don't think that Bush is politically motivated? That's a rather odd statement. Would you care to back that up?
Bush is obviously politically motivated, that's innate to politics. I however have more respect for Bush and his methods then say the democrats such as John Kerry and Howard Dean who are politicking with the war; it disgusts me.
Originally Posted by Ch'i
Uh, Iran isn't developing nuclear weapons...
Originally Posted by Rekna
Stevo, Ustwo, Mojo, and Seaver if the treaties we have signed are out the window when it suits us then why should Iran in North Korea have to abide by their treaties that say they won't develop nuclear weapons?
It's on them whether or not they want to abide by the treaties they have signed, you'll get no arguement from me. At the same time they should be prepared for the consequences of their actions.