Originally Posted by The_Jazz
I don't know of any sane person that acts in a manner anything close to what you're describing. Bullies can certainly be reasoned with, although if someone is worked up to administer a beating, the likelyhood is pretty low. The reason may be "if you don't stop, I'll tell my mom" or it may be "if you don't stop, I'll pull the trigger".
That's an example of a show of force, not reasoning. Telling mom is using authority to stop you, which is force. Using a gun is, obviously, force.
Bullies understand much more than just force;
No, they don't. The act of bullying someone is to (at the minimum) establish dominance. You cannot reason with a person who feels they rightfully dominate you. Why would they give up that power? It's the same reason that most serial killers continue killing until they're caught, or until the express purpose for their killing (if there is one) is done. Killing makes them feel like God, it's the ultimate dominance. They don't just give that up.
If you can reason with a "bully", then you're not dealing with a "bully", you're just dealing with a kid who has a simple propensity for violence (doesn't understand "right from wrong"). They can be reasoned with simply because they need direction and to learn that's it's bad to hit people. This type of person, however, would most likely not target specific people, or continually focus their violence on one person.
The kid's just a bully, simple as that, and there is no reasoning with them. And yes, I have never bullied someone.
A bully who constantly harassed me and hit me all through 9th grade (just single hits, not beat up) finally got his due when I called him on his bullshit "force". I had previously tried to "reason" with him on many, many, many occasions. This time, he threw a tennis ball and it hit me hard in the back of the head. I walked up to him and his two friends laughing and said that if he ever touched me again, i'd put him on the ground. Thinking I was the same "step on me" analog, he hit me square in the chest, sucker-punch style. I laid him out with a hit to the face. Not only did he never touch me again, but he was the laughing stock of the school because he got laid out by the kid he bullied for almost a whole year, in one hit. His friends did nothing, they just stood there. I laughed at them and walked away.