I'm trying to find a comic that I read when I was about 9 or 10 (bout 14 years ago), but I can't remember what it's called and I can only vaguely remember what it's about.
There is a race of aliens (maybe) snatching heroes and villains from all over the universe, and making them fight against each other on their planet.
The story follows a man (called Junior I think) who was grown in a lab, has super strength and the mental age of 10 year old, and a girl he hangs around with who doesn't really like him (can't remember her powers), and their fights in the 'game'.
Eventually the heroes do the hero thing and beat the aliens who snatched them after they sort out their 'Battle Royale' like collars. I remember a the very end Junior builds loads of sandcastles on an desert island.
I'm sure I can remember Wolverine amongst the heroes taken, but i'm pretty sure it wasn't a Marvel comic. They may also of been some DC characters in there, matbe a crossover special or something.
It was one mega-comic as well, so I don't know if it was a collection of issues or not.
If anybody knows the comic I am on about and can tell me it's name I'd be forever in their debt.
Or even if anybody can remember this comic so I know it's not just a figment of my imagintation!