Our local vets and pet stores all do it for free. Our 4 babies are all indoor cats, so they don't get to climb trees and trim their claws in the usual way. We THOUGHT we were doing okay to take them in occasionally whenever a claw started getting hung or "clicked" when they walked. However, our oldest was at the vet last week for another reason and they determined he had a severely ingrown dewclaw (the "thumb" claw up on the side of his front paw). It had grown around and back down into his pawpad and had gotten infected.
Please understand that we dote all over these damn cats and this guy showed absolutley NO indication that he was in pain. In fact, the vet said he would have missed it, too, except he noticed that the cat kept licking and licking the side of his paw, so he took a look.
We will now become regular, monthly visitors to the free claw trimming service at the vet.
Living is easy with eyes closed.