Originally Posted by analog
I just found out he pulled the barb out of his own heart. Holy shit.
PS- stingray venom causes extreme pain and swelling, it would not "numb" the area as some have guessed while attempting to back up that douchebag manager's claim of Steve feeling no pain.
I feel bad for his family, but at least he went out doing what he loved, and not rotting at home of old age.
I really think you need to lay off the manager....he's had to do several interviews with not only the police but with the WORLD since this happened. The man is so distraught its not funny....have you bothered to watch any of the interviews where he said he wanted to THINK Steve felt no pain, or are you just going by the first one that came out on right after the accident?
Do you think its POSSIBLE, that you might ever be so distraught that you MIGHT put your words together wrong?
Try pulling one of your best friends who's dead out of the ocean and having to speed on a boat for 30 minutes to get to help and then come tell me you'd be perfect in any speech you gave for the media.