... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
ECONOMY: Okay, first thing's first: no more revolving door policy with the military contractors. Weapons were never meant to support an ecomomy, and the weapons contractors have been screwing over the safty of our troops since the 70s. Despite my small government leanings, I have to put my foot down: the government will produce weapons and military goods, and only when necessary. We stock enough weapons and such to protect our borders and no more. Moving to the civilians: if you cheat your investors, you're going to have to pay them back with your own money before you go to jail.
We know that a free market econemy doesn't work. Adam Smith was a genius, but he underestimated the pure greed of the corporiate entity. Again, the Libertarians hearts are in the right place, but the evidence of success simply isn't there. It's time for the socialist revolution. Because my ultimate goal in everything is equality, I will support socialist economics. What kind? Public enterprtise community managed market econemy. This means publicly owned, employee-managed (a type of profit charing) production units engage in free market exchange of goods and services with one another as well as with final consumers. Yeah, it's a big change, but it will promote communal equality, and it will help to bring a sense of community back to this nation. Will it work? I dunno.
Oh, right, and we don't deal with the world bank ever again.
WAR in IRAQ: Simple. No more oil. Overtax companies like FORD that love making 13 mpg trucks, and undertax Toyota and companies that are actujally DOING SOMETHING about the obvious dangerous of fossil fuels. Undertax hydroelectric, solar, wind, geothermal, and all other relatively natural and obviously limitless sources of power, and start to shut down oil, coal, and nuclear plants as they are phased out. We break our addiction hard and fast. We rely on our own resources - wind, water, sun, thermal vents - to give us light. I would invite the big oil companies to join us, and if they didn't watch them as they fold under their own weight. Offer FREE classes for oil industry employees to learn about alternatvie power sources, so that they can transition into new jobs.
As for the catastropy over there right now: jail time for those greedy bastards that are profiting from the suffering of the Iraqi people. Federal ass rape prison. The companies involved are broken u and sold off to pay IRAQI companies to rebuild Iraq. We pull all troops out of all countries in the ME, and break off relations with Israel and Saudi Arabia. Not only that, but offer food and medical relief to any counrty that signs a non-agression treaty with the other ME countries. Positive reinforcement. Private terrorist organizations in the ME will be required to follow the treaty, which would be supported by the ME countries military and police forces. I don't want trouble makers screwing it up.
NATIONAL DEFENSE (In General): Dismantle Homeland Security. Fire anyone left over from the Bush, Clinton, Bush or Regean administration. Prosecute a few people for war crimes.
Start from scratch. We should retrain all border related security forces, be they airport, border patrol, seaport, etc. We actally need to be able to stop bad people ffrom coming in, and make sure that non-bad people aren't treated like garbage. We need to have military stations ONLY IN THE US. If we want to port or land in other countries, then we should be buddy-buddy enough with them to just ask. If we rerouted our finances and personel from around the world to the US, we would be a hell of a lot safer. Also, we need to rebuild the CIA from the ground up. Those assholes have had too nmuch freedom and are bascally a mob. hey are supposed to be keeping the US safe, not pressurng South American leaders to sell out at gunpoint. The CIA should have spies all over creation. I like James Bond and Ethan Hunt. I think that spies are necessary. Not hitmen, mind you, but real spies. We need a real ineligence agency that we can rely on.
SOCIAL SECURITY: If it ain't broke.
ISRAEL: Israel is moved to an unpopulated area in Germany. Palestine is given back Palestine except for Jerusulum. That becomes international territory. I mean "Spain used to be a part of Rome, maybe we should give it back to the Romans!" simply doesn't work as an argument. Stuff happens. Deal with it. If they offer resistence, then hey get treated like Iraq and Iran have been for the last hundred years.
FOREIGN POLICY (In General): Non-aggression treaties all around! Offer a non-aggression treaty to every country in the world. Once our foriegn military bases are turned back over to their respective countries, and once the US destroyed all it's nuclear weapons, then people might start to trust us again.
IMMIGRATION: Welcome. Feel free to enjoy our various Starbucks and jobs. Just one thing: don't send your money home. We've got an economy and you've got one. Our doesn't exist to feed yours. If your ecomomy has a problem, then go fix it.
EDUCATION: Yikes. Higher payed teachers, MUCH smaller classrooms, lesson plans designed for the individual to bring out individualism. If someone wants to learn about how cartoons are made, then they learn about it. If someone wants to know how Porsches go so fast, then they are allowed to learn. Yes they get the basics, math, science, english, foreign language, social studies, ethics, philosophy, physical activity, and music, but let them explore their world. There is too much information out there to fit it all in a few years.
ABORTION: Allowed in the case of rape, incest, or mortal danger to the mother. Communities will vote about local laws about abortion.
HEALTH CARE: Universal healthcare that's managed locally. Every community should have healthcare that's able to handle all the needs of the community. specialists will be evenly distributed, and moveable as needed.
SPACE PROGRAM: Rememebr Mars? Tha big red thing? It's terraforming time! We need to find economic ways to blow up the ice cap. We need economic ways to spread algae across the surface after the water starts spreading. We need to warm and oxygenae the atmosphere.
That's what we pay NASA for. Let them figure it out and then make a proposal to a commitee that oversees funding.
WAR ON DRUGS: MJ: legal. Coke, H, E, etc. illegal. Alcohol, illegal to be drunk. Yeah, you heard me. Smoking? Legal, but you can only have 5 cigaretts a month. Cry me a river. Coffee? Legal, but you can only have one gallon a month. NO arrests for drugs. We do cainings under my administration. You do detox, you go to solitary for 72 hours, the you get smacked around a bit. I don't want people in jail for 12 years for smoking crack. It's stupid and a waste of money.
CRIME: I don't believe in the current prison system. It has sold out just like eveything else that's been privatized. Tim for judges to come up with more creative ways to puncish people. I'd like to see the prison system reduced by 200k people every 4 year term.
Oh, and no death penalty. The death penalty assumes a perfect verdict, and there is no such thing.
Promote the 7 party system. No more two parties. Bring back the fairness doctrine.
I'm exhausted. Time for sleep.
Last edited by Willravel; 09-06-2006 at 10:00 AM..