Originally Posted by Sage
I think that some of these answers deserve explanation.. like...
- the competitive runner guy... why were you there? why his hand?
He's been a hero of mine since I was in college. We're about the same age, and the first year that I really did anything on the college scene, he made set a world juniors record. The year that I reset my college 5k school record, he set the world record (there was about a 2 minute difference in the times, btw).
I made a special trip to this track meet to see Haile run since it was going to be a good one, and the Ethiopians were making a big appearance. One of my buddies was a shoe rep at the time and got us to the equivalent of backstage after the race and introduced me to Haile's manager who introduced us to Haile. For a guy that pretty much had his world drastically change 30 minutes before, he was remarkably gracious, kind and personable. I am supposed to call him if I ever go to Ethiopia. Pretty cool.