You have just been elected President of the United States. You have a diverse administration that suggests multiple possibilities for everything. Ultimately the decisions are yours alone to make. Here are the issues. These are general areas so please touch on any issue within them. If your staff missed any feel free to include such issues. It’s up to you Mr./Ms. President- tell us how its going to be done.
I would make industries accountable to the working class by putting a mandate on the percentage of income wages could be and a cap on the maximum wages on CEOs. Bonuses based on performance would be tax free for the CEOs provided they showed that their payroll also showed the same percentage increases to the worker.
For example Company "A" shows a 27% profit. The CEO gets a $5 million bonus (which is say equal to his salary, thus a 100% bonus), this would be 100% federally tax free (states and localities may tax it as income). But in order to allow this bonus, all workers (even temps) are to get 100% non taxed bonus based on their wages.
So if you make $18,000 working there as an hourly employee, you recieve an $18,000 non taxed bonus check. It can be split up into your weekly check, it can be paid in monthly installments.... as long as it is paid within 1 year. (in the event you are fired or quit depending on circumstance you will recieve the balance in your last paycheck. If you stole from the company or got drunk on the job or called off too many times and had no legitimate excuse.... or you quit just because..... then you don't get the bonus.)
I would put tariffs equal to those of other countries on their goods. If China and Japan wish to put a 50% tariff on our steel ex ported to them, their imported steel gets tariffed 50%. This would apply to ALL merchandise.
I would reinvest into small businesses making it easier to get SBA loans cut down all the paperwork and beauraucracy.
Student loans I would cap the max interest at 5% and forgive debt/payments if the worker uses his/her education to work in inner cities, social work, or started their own business that had a minimum number of employees making a set wage over minimum. I.E. I graduate and open my own engineering firm, I have the required 10 employees and each makes at least twice minimum wage. Therefore my student loan payments drop to an interest free payment and may even drop below the principal I borrowed and I get to maintain that rate so long as I maintain the minimum 10 employees and pay scale.
I would invite all sides (Shiites, Sunnis, etc) to sit down and have talks. I would listen to what each side wanted in order to maintain a peace and do my best to work out a deal. I would offer to train troops and a protection plan so that no other country would fuck with them for a maximum 5 year period then they are totally on their own.
I would offer to rebuild schools and industry, provided that as we do so, they realize the aid is in the form of loans and they must repay.... miss a payment, I pull all aid.
(Including Homeland Security)
I would increase the soldiers payrates to a tax-free wage that is respectable, all their dependants would have free medical, on base housing, PX exchanges would go back to being 100% duty free. 20 year retirees would get a $1,000,000 tax free check as thanks from the nation. Those with 30 years in would get a $2.5 million check. If they served in a war, the 20 year requirement would be waived. If they died in the war, their family recieves the $2.5 million.
ONLY US companies will be allowed any type of contract to do business with the military or HS.
Would be untouchable. The money in would only be used for the program. Those that opt for a private fund, can do so by taking out the same percentage of their paycheck and investing it into a program of their choice they cannot touch in anyway until age 62. If they die, their families can take the money but it must go into those people's retirement funds.
(Included in it's own catagory for several reasons)
Pull all aid.
(Include Iran and N Korea)
Foreign policy plain and simple..... we will no longer be the recievers only. If you refuse to accept our goods we will refuse yours. We will tariff exactly the same as you tariff and if you pull in a factory from the US those workers must make our minimum wage, pay US income taxes and the factories must meet our OSHA requirements. If they don't, that company cannot do business in the USA.
Your country will respect trademarks, copyrights and patents and if caught any company ripping off said patent/trademark/copyright, will not be allowed to do business in the USA.
Iran and N.Korea, very simple, we'll send engineers and people with capiutal to educate, invest and start industry there provided you give you people civil rights and halt any nuclear programs. If you refuse, we will enact trade embargoes and any country trading with you (except for food and medical aid) will be refused to do business in the USA.
Set a legal amount and maintain it. Make these people learn english and our history in order to become citizens. You have 5 years from time of legal entry to get you citizenship or leave.
Illegals will be tried and convicted as felons and their home country will recieve the bill for their legal and incarceration costs. That country's refusal to pay will result in any aid to them being cut.
Border patrols will be raised, a fence built and patrols will have the authority to shoot to kill any illegal caught entering. (I am not a proponent of it, but if it is the only way to get across we mean business.... then it is the only way.
I would reopen our wallets to this, up loans and grants and make public funded universities accountable to where the money goes. I would work with leaders of industries to develop programs for those that have their jobs cut or have been displaced. These industries and I would also work on programs for the youth so that those not going to college can still attend a more focussed program cheaply, yet have skills in demand.
Woman's body, however the father has to agree and sign a waiver or agree to raise the child and pay all medical expenses.
Sex Ed would be mandatory and taught every year from 7th grade to graduation.
Universal based on a sliding scale. Hospitals that treat the indigent and give quality care regardless of the patient's wealth will recieve tax credits and grants.... those that do not will not.
Meds will be priced like this...... company "A" shows how much they spent on research, how much the cost to make is, basically what they need to sell it for to break even. From there depending on need a profit % is added.
Grants, loans and subsidies go to companies that work on meds that truly are needed..... i.e. cancer research, MS etc...... toenail fungal pills are not necessary.
Increase budget, plan a fully operational space station and have a 5 -10 year window for it. Contract USA companies only to work on it.
put money into rehabs and education, lessen penalties, legalize marijuana and go after the sources not the users.
Re-invest in the infrastructure and education, start allowing the poor to hope, dream and move up in class without being heavily indebted for the education to do so.
To cut crime we must give people hope that they can have better lives with hard work.
The appelate process cut down to 1 appeal. Prisons will no longer be privatized unless the company can show they truly work on rehabilitating the prisoner and not just keeping them in there as dollar signs and not doing anything to better them.
Anyone found guilty of terrorism or plotting terroristic acts will be tried again as treasonists and can face execution.
Any immigrant convicted for even the smallest of crime will be deported.
(Also describe how you are going to be more successful in bringing both parties together; at least to work together better. Any new bills you will introduce. Any reforms you will put forth such as federal powers distrubuted or taken away from state resposibility. Electorial college review considerations? Anything else you can think place in other.)
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
Last edited by pan6467; 09-05-2006 at 12:19 AM..