Dear Rogue,
I'm glad I posted that I'm not by any means an expert in matters religious, because you threw me a pretty good curve ball.
I have a passing knowledge of the second two but none on the first.
I did find your mention of symbolism to be interesting. Symbolism is central to all religions to varying degrees, and can involve visual symbols (the cross, the pentagram), audio (Buddhist prayer bells), as well as ceremonies (beating your head with a sword, handling snakes, etc.)
What I find to be the common denominator is that they all help us transcend the everyday (the profane) and connect us with the divine (sacred).
My personal comfort zone is within the framework of Christianity (Episcopalian to be exact), but I've come to the conclussion that it likely doesn't matter to the almighty what means or symbols to use to seek Her/Him, so long as you do it sincerely.
Good luck on your search