Originally Posted by analog
Though I take issue with this:
That was quoted from John Stainton, his manager. Not a doctor or a medical professional of any kind- his manager. Thanks for the bullshit, John. You don't die instantly from a punture wound to the heart, nor are you suddenly rendered numb. I realize he's trying to comfort people, but the "I don't think there was any pain" line is only supposed to be used when it can reasonably be assumed. This is just bullshit from his manager who doesn't know his ass from his elbow- it's irresponsible and disrespectful to the family (because it's patronizing), in my opinion.
You may not die instantly from a puncture wound to the heart, but how about when a load of sting ray toxin is injected into it? I saw that they had a "jellyfish sting expert" (how's that for a job) around, but if a "stingray sting expert" exists, there wasn't one available.
None of us are likely to know if death was nearly instantaneous, since the incidence of stingray toxin injected directly into the heart is so rare.
If you were a responsible and respectful EMT on the scene, is it your opinion that it would have been better to tell everyone that he died after a few minutes of extreme agony? What possible purpose is served by contradicting his manager on the matter? It's not like they didn't try to revive Irwin.
Give Stainton points for bedside manner.