To quell this rumor:
Tasmania Police this afternoon confirmed his wife Terri was travelling in the state at the time of the tragedy.
A spokeswoman said police had made contact with Mrs Irwin and "passed on a message relating to the death of her husband".
Though I take issue with this:
Choking back tears, Mr Stainton said Irwin had gone “over the top of a stingray and a stingray's barb went up and went into his chest and put a hole into his heart”.
"He possibly died instantly when the barb hit him, and I don't think that he ... felt any pain.”
That was quoted from John Stainton, his manager. Not a doctor or a medical professional of any kind- his manager. Thanks for the bullshit, John. You don't die instantly from a punture wound to the heart, nor are you suddenly rendered numb. I realize he's trying to comfort people, but the "I don't think there was any pain" line is only supposed to be used when it can reasonably be assumed. This is just bullshit from his manager who doesn't know his ass from his elbow- it's irresponsible and disrespectful to the family (because it's patronizing), in my opinion.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
He took foolish chances with very dangerous animals.
I enjoyed his show, but he showed a tremendous lack of respect for the power of the Animals he was with.
I know this seems harsh, but there is nothing else to blame here but his own ambition.
Amen to that.
Originally Posted by Paq
I don't see it as thrillseeking or personal ambition beyond awakening people to what is outside their doorstep.
For the number of times I've seen him actively taunting a dangerous animal just to get a rise out of it and make it attack him, I can't say he did it just to educate. He thoroughly enjoyed the rush. Just because you like to educate doesn't mean you're not a crazy thrill-seeker.
Finding out radiation is fatal to humans in order to invent the x-ray and help all humanity: good use of danger for education.
Being the only AIDS patient to have a zero infection count, allowing massive testing on your body to prove it, then going off the drugs to see if the AIDS virus came back, knowing that if it came back, the drugs are almost 100% guaranteed not to work again: good use of danger for education.
Putting your hands in various animals' mouths, and intentionally pissing them off so you can see what will happen (surprise spoiler- they attack your ass): yeah, not so much.